Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life If You Have Search This Then You Are At A Right Place            

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life You Have To Search This Means You Are Sad But Let Me Tell You It's A Part Of Life And Everyone Goes Through. It But There Are Thousands Of Reason Why You Should Care About Your Life And Should Be Happy

 Reasons to be Happy 

  • Happy People Are More Healthy
  • Happy People Have Best Relationship
  • Happy People  Are Always Needed To The World
  • Being Happy Make You More Productive
  • Life Could Turn Over Any Time
  • Last But Most Important Lots Of People Love You Respect You And  Are Dependent On You 
  • And a thousand more

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life Are Below

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

I am happy that my life is private and nobody interferes in it

It's true that most of the part of life is sad

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Yes I m sad and I don't know why I am sad 

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I don't know what is the best thing to overcome the sadness

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 I know nature has the force to heel all the sadness but for my sadness, nothing will work 

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My life is sad and I am going to sad forever

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life


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How can people say that life is beautiful it's getting worst by the day

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

What makes you sad, it makes happy 

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I don't know what is happening but life is sad

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The most important thing in life is about sadness and its associated problems 

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

There are so many friends on online but none of them are with you the are just in line with you


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I think there is a garden of sadness in my life and its essence in  my life is to keep showering on me

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When I listen to sad songs I feel like I am living that song

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Let's make a deal and makes the life sadder and not tell the truth 

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

My own thoughts have made me sadder over the time 

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In spite of handwork, I had faced many problems and that makes my life sadder

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life


Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life
Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Memories sometimes make the most saddest part of life 

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how can you laugh even when you don't know the reason to be happy 

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I was very strong then a wave arrived and make all your life miserable 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

People around us always make you unhappy and sad 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Do you know what is the difference between happy and sad at one moment you are the happiest person on the earth suddenly you are the worst 

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I know I am going to sad for the rest of my life 

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

What makes you sad some sometimes make you the saddest memories

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Life cant be same for everyone, it has to be sad first 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Pople says lofe is difficult but let me tell you its worst 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life
At one day people will laugh on you and when you realized you are happiest they will make you unhappy 

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I was having the most sorrowful of life .

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Let's appreciate the people who make your life like a hell and been they don't realize it

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

When I was happy everyone was with me, but when I was sad, everything seemed to be alone


Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

People will hurt you always and make you feel guilty and sad.

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Being sad makes you worst only.

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Life is beautiful like a sad movie.

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

I never cried I just  don't to others

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why i a sad i don't know but it's clear i sad and going to be sadder

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There are lots of ways in which you can make you sadder and one of the main is memories 

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I think crying is the only option in the list .

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Life is beautiful it's true but not always it's sometimes sad too

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Make memories with others and make your life hell and cry for the rest of the life 

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Being tough is bad and worst hell thing, you can simply cry

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I thought i am sad because of external things but I was my own thoughts which made me sad

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There can be many reasons for sadness but you the main reason for my sadness

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Crying alone really helps a lot in helping to heal

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

I knew why I am the saddest person 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Let me smile for a reason life 

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Life has a no similar pattern, sometimes it will go on a roller coaster ride of sadness

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Let's think and make life sad and unhappy 

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When you are sad don't tell to anybody, they don't know the value of sadness 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

How to make life worse is to fell the songs you love

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First thing I have learnt about sadness is that I have no one to share the problems 

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Exactly when people are dead, they are just dead but when you will realise that its too late 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

It's always great to cry and feel sad about life and feel worse

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Crying for a reason is totally justified 

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I think people have the aim to make people unhappy 

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

My Life is hard, sad, weird and full of negative thoughts 

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Being happy is always the great but being sad is the worst feeling in the world

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I have always loved my life and this great but when you are hurt its the bad and unhappy moment in the
life of that person

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Life has its won path of happiness and this path sometimes led to the sad part sometimes 

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It has been a great life with you always but you changed life has also changed over the years 

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There are two ways to be sad, one is that you have to keep on thinking and make it worst 

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Some times you have to touch the colours of your life and feel the sadness 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

That's true silence and time are the two best medicine for most of the problems 

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Things in life sometimes change so quickly that you don't have time to release and regret

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I was blaming others for my sadness but that was not true, it  was my own thoughts that lead to the pain 

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I was chasing the happiness and thought that life would be full of happiness but I was wrong it would also lead to the path of unhappy also

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Proud people always have a problems they will cry alone 

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I laughed so much that, people were unable to realise the facts that how much I was broken from the inside.

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I always wonder why people say goodbye to everyone because it simply means they want to forget everyone 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Always remember that people who makes you laugh and most saddest person, believe me .

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It was very hard for me to be too strong for life so I

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I have always an open wound, and people always loved that .

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Life is sometimes roller coaster life without a seat belt.

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Being Unhappy doesn't mean You can't be sad 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

I have a potential power to overcome the saddens but the pain of this root are so strong that you will end up getting in that.

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It was my dark secret that leads to the sad life of my own.

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Remember you will have to go through the pain and suffering after a rein of happiness be ready.

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It's always true that a love story and poem has a sad ending 

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There is no meaning of happiness without the thought of sadness 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life
If you are protecting yourself from sadness then  you are also protecting yourself from the happiness  

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That's true the reasons for the sadness of a man are always unknown to the world.

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Tears of person will tell you the whole story which mouth cant tell 


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I made a wall which protected me from the sadness and happiness never comes to me 

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Remember the graph of sadness will ultimately come down. Be patient 

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life
Memories are like watermelon they are big but yet beautiful 

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There has been a lot of stories which has been written through tears 

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

People will always give a reason to feel sad and million reasons to cry

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Pain starts gradually but it finally will lead to worse so face it from the starting.

Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

Really no one cares when you are sad all will be busy in life and there will be a time when people will finally forget you.

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

The best way to smile is to die from the inside.

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Sad Depressing Quotes About Life

 How much pain or suffering you have to go, it's all decided, you have to only wait and watch and let this time pass.